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Cord Sizing

How big is a cord of wood?

michigan fuelwood products half face cord diagram

1/2 Face Cord of Firewood

[8ft long, 2ft high, 16" wide]

michigan fuelwood products face cord diagram

Face Cord of Firewood

[8ft long, 4ft high, 16" wide]

michigan fuelwood products half cord diagram

Half Cord of Firewood

[12ft long, 4ft high, 16" wide]

michigan fuelwood products full cord diagram

Full Cord of Firewood

[Three rows: 8ft long, 4ft high, 16" wide]

Firewood Terminology


This is a unit of measure of dry volume used to measure pulpwood in the United States and Canada. It is the amount of that, when “stacked and well stowed” (arranged so pieces are aligned, parallel, touching and compact), occupies a volume of 128 cubic feet typically measuring 4 feet by 4 feet by 8 feet.

Face Cord, Rick, Stove Cord, Rank

All terms that are used as a smaller measurement of firewood. Typically, it is a 3rd of a cord cut to 16” long, split and stacked. A face cord of firewood is equal to a single stack of firewood that measures 4 feet high by 8 feet long by however deep the depth of the firewood is. Log length in a face cord of firewood varies and there is not a standard length.